I am sooo fortunate to have a big sis and bro in law that will 1: wake me up early in the morning to, 2: take me to the ferry building and buy me TWO COFFEES at blue bottle ^o^~ wibble~ (you want me to do TWO things?? -bender) If there were two Margarets, I would not be so hyped up on coffee, bbq darling, bbq.
caffe latte on left, half finished new orleans on right
sweet baguette from acme ^o^~ (random passerby while Margaret was taking photo: "that's a long baguette!")
We went to Chinatown after since it was right up the street from the Ferry Building :) Parked right next to the Panaeng Garden where they served Durian Chicken soup! My grandma loveddd the Durian Chicken soup here...everyday I miss her.
Random dog we passed by while walking up Washinton. He was so fat and cute I had to snap a picture ...albeit a bit blurry.
Inconceivably inexpensive blueberries! I had some last night and they were soo yummy. We bought 4 boxes. (Sign says 2 for $1.50) I think more than 50% are too ripe now :( but it's okay, will make really good blueberry muffins ~ :)
Acme cinnamon black currant toast. Cheirie berry says that it's too sweet but it's going to be soo good with English Breakfast! I had wanted to go to KW's today for tea and toast but she's a little busy bee.
I have not been doing anything but lazing around since classes ended. I'm not even playing WoW. Way. Too. Lazy. I'm pretty happy that I got to go out for a little bit to snap a few photos. Classes are starting soon and I still have not gotten the DAI fundraising shenanigans started. Once I get some work done, I'll feel better. I think I should take my time. I already talked to one of my very trusted (and loved!) instructors so I can't lose confidence now! がんばれ, がんばれ, がんばれ!!! 無論如可, 一定要加油 ^o^~