Christmas is my favoriteeeeee time of the year~! :) Despite a few issues, I'm feeling some extreme holiday spirit. I wonder if I can hang some lights in my room? ~sparkle sparkle~
I admit that I am doing everything in my power to not work on my 300 project, the final I have Tuesday or any of the drafting work I should be completing before the semester is over. Also, I just realized that I took a couple pictures with my 356 reader. /headdesk
In other news, I've been drinking black coffee every now and then. No longer a cream and sugar girl!!!!

This was an early xmas+birthday gift that came with a poster ^_^~ Though, I already uninstalled the rest of the game (vanilla thru wotlk) a week before release. I plan to add some memory to my computer (since it's also becoming problematic to save large adobe files) so I can play one day and I want to buy a portable hard drive so I can store other stuff. It's going to be a while until I can afford things like that again well as a new video card.
I took a picture of the cataclysm poster on my wall since there is no way that I will be permitted to have something so sadistic/cool hanging in my room. Besidessssss I want to stay with neutral accents (like that Marc Jacobs wallet I saw the other day; I will have you).
I had a $20 gift card from Sephora so I went out to find something to buy. I initially wanted to get foundation but I didn't mind getting a new blush/bronzer palette :) I also bought a silicon scrubbie which I had wanted to get at Daiso but they never had them in stock. It's about $4 more at Sephora.
I had a lot of points at Sephora so I picked up the Ojon Hair leave-in treatment. Blah, smells like a musky vanilla. I guess it'll be good for days I want to fry my hair :)

I literally squealed when I saw how shiny the new compact was 8D
The one I have is considerably duller.

↓Anyway, here is Gwyneth Paltrow with CeeLo's F-you :)
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